The United States develops new chip inductors using graphene and quantum technology

American researchers have made the chip inductor smaller by adding "kinetic inductance" to the conventional magnetic induction inductor.

This work reduced the size of the 10-50 GHz inductor by a third.

The team at the University of California, Santa Barbara, believes that Kinetic inductance is caused by the physical quantum of charge currents that resist changes in the direction of the current associated with changes in the electric field.

Any kinetic energy inductance produced is in series with the traditional magnetic inductance of the inductor.

However, metals that are almost universally used for inductors exhibit only negligible kinetic inductance.

Professor Kaustav Banerjee, the project leader , said: "The theory of dynamic inductance has long been known in condensed matter physics, but it has never been used in inductors because in traditional metal conductors, the dynamic inductance is negligible. Excluding.

As a result, the team created a material with a significantly built-in kinetic energy inductor: a multi-layer graphene with a bromine atom between the layers - "insertion of bromine atoms".

"Single-layer graphene exhibits a linear electronic band structure and a correspondingly large momentum relaxation time [MRT] - a few picoseconds," the university said. “This is higher than traditional metal conductors such as copper wire, ranging from 1-10 fs. However, the resistance of single-layer graphene to inductance is too large.”

Multilayer graphene provides a partial solution by providing lower resistance, but MRT (momentum relaxation time) is not good enough due to interlayer coupling .

According to the University, the chemical insertion of bromine atoms between the graphene layers is sufficient to separate them, thereby increasing the kinetic induction by extending the MRT, thereby further reducing the drag.

It is then made into a spiral inductor.

Scientist Junkai Jiang said: "By increasing the efficiency of the embedding process, we have a lot of room to further increase the inductance density.

This work was published in Nature Electronics' 'Plate Embedded Graphene Inductors for Next Generation RF Electronics'

UCSB's Nanoelectronics Research Laboratory works with Shiba Institute of Technology in Japan and Shanghai Jiaotong University in China.

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