"Artificial intelligence is like the current 'Wild West'," Qualcomm's graphics director TIm Leland told me earlier this month that the company introduced the latest high-end mobile chips. The Snapdragon 845 was originally designed to better handle artificial intelligence computing tasks. This is the latest achievement of the technology industry obsessed with artificial intelligence. No company wants to be left behind, whether it's by optimizing hardware for artificial intelligence processing or by machine learning to speed up tasks, and each major brand has invested heavily in artificial intelligence. But even though artificial intelligence has penetrated into every aspect of our lives in 2017, the revolution has only just begun.
This may be a useful point in time and can be used to clarify that artificial intelligence is often a collective term for a variety of different technologies. Our digital assistants have artificial intelligence such as Siri, Alexa, Cortana, and Google Assistant. You'll find artificial intelligence on Facebook's Messenger chat tool, such as Facebook's auto-reply feature. It is defined as "intelligence displayed by the machine", but it also refers to the computer operating without human instructions. Then there is machine learning, which is how computer self-learning accomplishes what humans do. For example, recently, the MIT face recognition system learned how to recognize humans, just like humans, without the help of creators.
It is important not to confuse these concepts - machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence. Let's use the term "machine learning." When we're talking about neural networks and models like Google's TensorFlow library, AI refers to robots, devices, and software that do what they've already learned.
This year, artificial intelligence has become so intelligent that computers have defeated humans, earned a perfect Pac-Man score, and even kept pace with gamers of "Super Stars." People began using artificial intelligence in medicine to predict disease and found suicidal users on social networks. Artificial intelligence also began writing music and writing movie scripts.
No matter where you are, there are always people who want to apply artificial intelligence to something. All of this is due to the neural network that Google, Microsoft and its peers continue to invest this year, the acquisition of artificial intelligence startups, and the introduction or expansion of the artificial intelligence sector. The progress of machine learning is fast, and it will continue to improve next year.
One of the biggest changes in the 2018 era is the transition of machine learning mode from cloud computing to mobile phones. This year, Google, Facebook and Apple introduced a mobile version of the machine learning framework that allows developers to accelerate artificial intelligence-based tasks in their own applications. Chip makers are also designing mobile processors for machine learning. Huawei, Apple and Qualcomm have adjusted their latest chipsets this year to better manage the workload associated with artificial intelligence by providing a dedicated "nerve" core. However, in addition to the iPhone version of "face ID" and "Huawei Mate 10 Pro" Microsoft translation, we have not seen concrete examples of the benefits of artificial intelligence chips.
Basically, artificial intelligence technology has been improved for many years, but most of it is cloud-based. Take the image recognition system as an example. In the beginning, it may distinguish between very different men and women. However, as the project continues to do more image training in the cloud, it can better differentiate users and these improvements will be sent to your phone. In 2018, we will put real artificial intelligence in our pockets. Being able to execute models on mobile devices not only makes AI faster, but also stores data on the phone instead of sending it to the cloud, which is good for your privacy.
Obviously, the industry is doing the basic work for our smartphones and other devices, allowing them to learn on their own, improving translation, image recognition and other technologies, and providing more personalized services. But as available hardware gets better and better at processing machine learning computing, developers are still struggling to find the best way to add artificial intelligence to their applications, and no one in the industry really knows what the killer application case is.
In the end, every industry and every aspect of our lives – from shopping centers to self-driving cars – will be transformed through artificial intelligence. Stores will learn about our tastes, sizes and habits and use this information to serve us or tell us where to find what we want. When you walk into the store, the retailer knows who you are, what you bought in the past, what you are allergic to, whether you have been to a doctor recently, what is your favorite color. The system's artificial intelligence will understand what you bought at a particular time of the year and recommend similar or competing products to you on the shelf display.
Cars will be able to avoid obstacles, use machine learning techniques to better identify hazards and navigate through danger. Even your doctor will quickly rely on artificial intelligence to classify x-rays, MRI scans, and other medical images to reduce the time spent diagnosing patients.
Artificial intelligence has become popular in the field of image recognition and will soon become more popular. Home security cameras have become better and better in distinguishing between humans, dogs, cats and cars. Don't be surprised if this is ultimately used in law enforcement, making it possible to find potential criminals or missing persons in traffic and other public camera footage.
The digital assistants we talk to via mobile phones and smart speakers not only learn faster and more naturally through dialogue, but also better predict what we need, what we want. When you walk into the house after work, the lights are on, the thermostat turns the temperature up, and your favorite music starts playing automatically.
Of course, this has already happened, but the existing method of setting the trigger depends on your location or the time of day. In the future, artificial intelligence will know how to adjust everything in your home, in the way you like, while considering external factors. For example, if the weather is hot, your digital assistant can turn on the air conditioner without input if it detects an outdoor temperature change. All of this automation may eventually make the world of black mirrors a reality.
In 2017, artificial intelligence occupies a growing momentum, but the most compelling use cases are limited to a controlled experimental environment. Next year, we will begin to see the emergence of more powerful artificial intelligence that may change our way of life. This may not happen right away, but soon artificial intelligence will dominate our lives – whether it is good or bad.
Shenzhen Aierbaita Technology Co., Ltd. , https://www.aierbaitavape.com