At the CES 2014 Consumer Electronics Show held in January this year, Qualcomm officially released the latest Snapdragon 802 processor. This is a chip specifically developed for smart TV products, and is expected to be put into commercial use by the end of this year. However, just this week, Qualcomm held a press conference and officially announced that it decided to stop production and sales of this Snapdragon 802 processor, and the specific reason is that the company has overestimated the market demand for this chip. And now only five weeks have passed since this processor was released.
"Qualcomm Technology has decided to officially stop the commercialization plan of the recently released Snapdragon 802 processor, and the current overall market demand performance is not as strong as the company had originally estimated." Qualcomm's senior public relations director Jon Carvill said. "This decision to stop production is limited to the Snapdragon 802 product, and will not affect the production and sales of other chips."
Qualcomm Snapdragon 802 processor is the same processor used for mobile products as the previous Snapdragon 800 and Snapdragon 805. It is based on Qualcomm Krait architecture, has a 1.8GHz quad-core CPU, while adding 802.11ac dual-band Wi-Fi module and built-in Adreno 330 GPU to support 4K video playback. In addition, this new product is also very powerful in audio processing, supporting the decoding of Hexagon DSP Dolby digital signals and DTS surround sound. Although the Snapdragon 802 was positioned as a new product specifically developed for smart TVs at the time of release, it was too close to the existing products of smartphones and tablets of existing major users such as the Snapdragon 800 and 805, resulting in sales. The above is not satisfactory.
It is really surprising that the Snapdragon 802 processor was cancelled just 5 weeks after its release. Generally speaking, the development cycle of a chip is not short, and some even take 2 to 3 years. The Snapdragon 802 was originally scheduled to be released in early 2014 and put into commercial use before the end of the year must have been carefully considered by the company. It should be known that if the market demand is insufficient and the sales volume is poor, Qualcomm should find the problem early in the research and development stage.
Therefore, some industry experts believe that the current development trend of smart TV is good, and there is no conflict with 4K TV. In addition to Qualcomm's decision to abandon the Snapdragon 802 processor, in addition to the high expectations for the market, there may be certain deficiencies and defects in this product that have caused TV manufacturers not to buy it. Therefore, in addition to the familiar smartphones and tablets, Qualcomm still has a lot to do in the new smart TV field.
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