224Gb / s PM-QPSK test solution

224Gb / s PM-QPSK test solution

Real-time oscilloscope designer LeCroy Corp. and Optametra, a major supplier of continuous optical signal analyzers, demonstrated the cooperation plan at the OFC / NFOEC 1406 booth in San Diego on March 23-25.

LeCroy ’s 30GHz real-time oscilloscope WaveMaster 830Zi has been used for 224Gb / s measurements using PM-QPSK for 56Gb / s per channel. This is a key step to accelerate the availability of 200G transmission technology and surpass long-distance dense wavelength division multiplexing network (DWDM).

By integrating Optimatra's 30GHz OM4106B continuous optical signal analyzer and LeCroy's 30GHz bandwidth WaveMaster 830Zi oscilloscope, the combined instrument provides the highest real-time bandwidth analysis capability in ultra-long-wave fiber communication. The Optametra software running on LeCroy oscilloscopes allows all variables to be analyzed through Matlab and provides users with an excellent platform for developing and testing proprietary algorithms, including dispersion (CD) compensation, polarization multiplexing distortion (PMD) compensation, and new proprietary There are modulation plans, pass failure criteria, or any user-defined algorithms.

YouTube, Facebook, Google, data centers, and high-speed infrastructure have driven the continuous growth of telecommunications bandwidth. Advanced modulation methods with greater spectrum efficiency provide easy, flexible, and low-cost approaches to 100G commercialization or higher transmission technologies. Optametra and LeCroy test solutions proved the feasibility of using PM-QPSK to modulate the phase rather than the signal amplitude at high rates, without using any shortcuts that would lose valid data. The key components of the solution are the internal speed of the OM4106 continuous optical signal analyzer and the performance of the WaveMaster 830Zi as a data acquisition system with outstanding bandwidth, sampling rate and signal assurance.

"We are very satisfied with the performance of LeCroy oscilloscopes," said Daniel van der Weide, vice president of engineering at Optametra. "With a 30GHz real-time oscilloscope with high sampling rate and excellent signal fidelity in such a wide bandwidth, let us capture light The complete electric field of the signal and measure every aspect of the increasingly high-speed signal in real time. "

The real-time bandwidth of the LeCroy WaveMaster 830Zi oscilloscope is 30GHz, a sampling rate of 80GS / s can be obtained on 2 channels, and the maximum acquisition memory is 512Mpts / ch. Two oscilloscopes can acquire 30GHz bandwidth on 4 channels by synchronizing to collect 4 optical signals. The 830Zi's acquisition system uses LeCroy's patented 5th generation digital bandwidth interleaving (DBI) technology to obtain industry-leading 30GHz real-time bandwidth, 15.5ps rise time, and 200fs jitter noise floor for outstanding signal fidelity. With DBI, basic 16GHz SiGe signal conditioning components always operate smoothly in the rated frequency range, and 30GHz performance is obtained by interleaving a combination of radio frequency (RF) hardware and digital signal processing (DSP). The sampling rate and memory are also interleaved at the same time. Bandwidth and sampling rate combined with deep acquisition memory support real-time capture of larger data packets, allowing signal processing and data bit detection and bit error rate calculation.

"In order to meet the needs of users to develop the next generation of communication equipment, LeCroy continues to push the limits of high-speed analog sampling and ADC technology," said Michael Schnecker, signal integrity manager of LeCroy's business development department. "We are very pleased as part of Optametra's latest instrument development. "

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