TAP (Test Access Port)
TBGA (Tie Ball Grid Array, Ribbon Ball Grid Array)
TCP: Tape Carrier Package, Thermal TDP (Thermal Design Power)
Throughput (throughput)
TLB (Translate Look side Buffers)
TLP (Thread-Level Parallelism)
TMP (Threaded Multi-Path, Thread Multi-Path)
TPI (True Performance Initiative/index, Real Performance First/Indicator)
Thin Plastic Quad Flat Pack (TQFP)
Trc (Row Cycle Time, column cycle time)
TrD (Transistor Density, Transistor Density)
TSOP (Thin Small Outline Plastic)
USWC (Uncacheabled Speculative Write Combination)
VALU (Vector Arithmetic Logic Unit, Vector Arithmetic Logic Unit)
VFSD (Vertex Frequency Stream Divider)
VID (VID: Voltage identify, voltage identification number)
VLIW (Very Long Instruction Word, very long instruction word)
VPU (Vector Permutate Unit)
VPU (vector processing units, places where SIMD instructions such as MMX and SSE are handled)
VSA (Virtual System Architecture, Virtual System Architecture)
VTF (VIA Technical Forum, VIA Technology Forum)
XBar (Crossbar, intersection logic unit)
XP (experience)
XP (Extra performance, additional performance)
XP (eXtreme Performance, Extreme Performance)
Heatsink TFT (Tiny Fin Technology, Micro Fin Technology)
2, motherboard 3GIO (Third Generation Input/Output, the third generation of input and output technology)
ACR (Advanced Communications Riser, Advanced Communications Upgrade Card)
ADIMM (advanced Dual In-line Memory Modules, Advanced Dual Inline Memory Modules)
AGTL+ (Assisted Gunning Transceiver Logic, Aid Transmit Receiver Logic)
AIMM (AGP Inline Memory Module, AGP Onboard Memory Module)
AMR (Audio/Modem Riser; additional upright card for audio/modem motherboards)
AHA (Accelerated Hub Architecture, Accelerated Hub Architecture)
AOI (Automatic Optical Inspection)
APU (Audio Processing Unit)
ARF (Asynchronous Receive FIFO, Asynchronous Receive First In, First Out)
ASF (Alert Standards Forum, discussion of warning standards)
ASK IR (Amplitude Shift Keyed Infra-Red)
AT (Advanced Technology, Advanced Technology)
ATX (AT Extend, Extended AT)
BIOS (Basic Input/Output System, Basic Input/Output System)
CNR (Communication and Networking Riser, Communication and Network Upgrade Card)
CSA (Communication Streaming Architecture, Communication Flow Architecture)
CSE (Configuration Space Enable, assignable space)
COAST (Cache-on-a-stick, stripe cache)
DASP (Dynamic Adaptive Speculative Pre-Processor)
DB: Device Bay, DMI (Desktop Management Interface)
DOT (Dynamic Overclocking Technology, dynamic overclocking technology)
DPP (direct print protocol, Direct Rambus clock generator, direct RAM bus clock generator)
DVMT (Dynamic Video Memory Technology, Dynamic Video Memory Technology)
E (Economy, Economy, or Entry-level, entry level)
EB (Expansion Bus, Expansion Bus)
EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface)
EHCI (Enhanced Host Controller Interface)
EISA (Enhanced Industry Standard Architecture)
EMI (Electromagnetic Interference, electromagnetic interference)
ESCD (Extended System Configuration Data)
ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance, equivalent series resistance)
FBC (Frame Buffer Cache)
FireWire (FireWire, IEEE1394 Standard)
FlexATX (Flexibility ATX, Extensibility ATX)
FSB (Front Side Bus, FSB)
FWH (Firmware Hub, Firmware Center)
GB (Garibaldi architecture, Garibaldi is based on ATX architecture, but can also use WTX architecture chassis)
GMCH (Graphics & Memory Controller Hub, Graphic and Memory Control Center)
GPA (Graphics Performance Accelerator, Graphics Performance Accelerator)
GPIs (General Purpose Inputs, normal operation input)
GTL+ (Gunning Transceiver Logic, Transmit Receiver Logic)
HDIT (High Bandwidth Differential Interconnect Technology)
HSLB (High Speed ​​Link Bus)
HT (HyperTransport, HyperTransport)
I2C (Inter-IC)
I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit)
IBASES (Intel Baseline AGP System Evaluation Suite, Intel Baseline AGP System Evaluation Suite)
IC (integrated circuit)
ICH (Input/Output Controller Hub, Input/Output Control Center)
ICH-S (ICH-Hance Rapids, ICH High Speed)
ICP (Integrated Communications Processor, integrated communications processor)
IHA (Intel Hub Architecture, Intel Hub Architecture)
IMB (Inter Module Bus, Hidden Module Bus)
INTIN (Interrupt Inputs, interrupt input)
IPMAT (Intel Power Management Analysis Tool, Intel Energy Management Analysis Tool)
IR (infrared ray, infrared)
IrDA (infrared ray, infrared communication interface for LAN access and file sharing)
ISA (Industry Standard Architecture, Industrial Standard Architecture)
ISA (instruction set architecture, industrial setting architecture)
K8HTB (K8 HyperTransport Bridge, K8 Lightning Transfer Bridge)
LSI (Large Scale Integration)
LPC (Low Pin Count, Low Pin Count Interface)
MAC (Media Access Controller, Media Storage Controller)
MBA (manage boot agent)
MC (Memory Controller)
MCA (Micro Channel Architecture, Micro Channel Architecture)
MCH (Memory Controller Hub, Memory Control Center)
MDC (Mobile Daughter Card)
MII (Media Independent Interface, Media Independent Interface)
MIO (Media I/O, Media Input/Output Unit)
MOSFET (metallic oxide semiconductor field effect transistor, metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor)
MRH-R (Memory Repeater Hub, Memory Data Processing Center)
MRH-S (SDRAM Repeater Hub, SDRAM Data Processing Center)
MRIMM (Media-RIMM, Media RIMM Expansion Slot)
MSI (Message Signaled Interrupt, Message Signal Interrupt)
MSPCE (Multiple Streams with Pipelining and Concurrent Execution, Pipelined and Concurrent Execution of Multiple Data Streams)
MT=MegaTransfers (mega transfer rate)
MTH (Memory Transfer Hub)
MuTIOL (Multi-Threaded I/O link, multi-threaded I/O link)
NGIO (Next Generation Input/Output, Next Generation Input/Output Standard)
NPPA (nForce Platform Processor Architecture, nForce Platform Processing Architecture)
OHCI (Open Host Controller Interface, Open Host Controller Interface)
ORB (operation request block, operation request block)
ORS (Over Reflow Soldering, Soldering of SMT Components)
P64H (64-bit PCI Controller Hub, 64-bit PCI Control Center)
PCB (printed circuit board, printed circuit board)
PCBA (Printed Circuit Board Assembly, printed circuit board assembly)
PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect)
PCI SIG (Peripheral Component Interconnect Special Interest Group)
PDD (Performance Driven Design, Performance Driven Design)
PHY (Port Physical Layer)
POST (Power On Self Test, Power On Self Test)
PS/2 (Personal System 2, second generation personal system)
PTH (Plated-Through-Hole technology)
RE (Read Enable, Readable)
QP (Quad-Pumped, quadruple pump)
RBB (Rapid BIOS Boot, Fast BIOS Boot)
RNG (Random number Generator, Random Number Generator)
RTC (Real Time Clock)
KBC (KeyBroad Control, Keyboard Controller)
SAP (Sideband Address Port)
SBA (Side Band Addressing)
SBC (single board computer)
SBP-2 (serial bus protocol 2, second generation Serial Bus Association)
SCI (Serial Communications Interface, Serial Communication Interface)
SCK (CMOS clock, CMOS clock)
SDU (segment data unit)
SFF (Small Form Factor, Small Size Architecture)
SFS (Stepless Frequency Selection)
SMA (Share Memory Architecture)
SMT (Surface Mounted Technology, Surface Mount Package)
SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface, Serial Peripheral Interface)
SSLL (Single Stream with Low Latency, low-latency, separate streaming)
STD (Suspend To Disk, Wake On Disk)
STR (Suspend To RAM, memory wake)
SVR (Switching Voltage Regulator)
THT (Through Hole Technology, plug-in packaging technology)
UCHI (Universal Host Controller Interface, Universal Host Controller Interface)
UPA (Universal Platform Architecture, Unified Platform Architecture)
UPDG (Universal Platform Design Guide, Unified Platform Design Guide)
USART (Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter)
USB (Universal Serial Bus, Universal Serial Bus)
USDM (Unified System Diagnostic Manager)
VID (Voltage Identification Definition)
VLB (Video Electronics Standards Association Local Bus, Video Electronics Standards Association Local Bus)
VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration, VLSI)
VMAP (VIA Modular Architecture Platforms, VIA Module Architecture Platform)
VSB (V Standby, Standby Voltage)
VXB (Virtual Extended Bus, Virtual Extension Bus)
VRM (Voltage Regulator Module)
WE (Write Enalbe, writable)
WS (Wave Soldering, soldering of THT components)
XT (Extended Technology, Expansion Technology)
ZIF (Zero Insertion Force, zero insertion force socket)
Chipset ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface, Advanced Settings and Power Management)
AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port)
BMS (Blue Magic Slot, Blue Magic Slot)
I/O (Input/Output, Input/Output)
MIOC: Memory and I/O Bridge Controller, Memory and I/O Bridge Controller NBC: North Bridge Chip (North Bridge Chip)
PIIX: PCI ISA/IDE Accelerator
PSE36: Page Size Extension 36-bit, 36-bit page size expansion mode PXB: PCI Expander Bridge, PCI Enhanced Bridge RCG: RAS/CAS Generator, RAS/CAS Generator SBC: South Bridge Chip (South Bridge Chip)
SMB (System Management Bus, System-wide Management Bus)
SPD (Serial Presence Detect, continuous presence detector)
SSB: Super South Bridge, Super South Bridge TDP: Triton Data Path (Data Path)
TSC: Triton System Controller (System Controller)
QPA: Quad Port Acceleration
Motherboard technology Gigabyte
ACOPS: Automatic CPU OverHeat Prevention System
SIV: System Information Viewer
ESDJ (Easy Setting Dual Jumper, simplified CPU double jumper method)
Shuttle UPT (USB, PANEL, LINK, TV-OUT Quad Interface)
Asus C. O. P (CPU overheating protection, processor overheat protection)
3, display device AD ​​(Analog to Digitalg, analog to digital conversion)
ADC (Apple Display Connector, Apple Display Interface)
ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit)
ASC (Auto-Sizing and Centering, Automatically Adjust Screen Size and Center Position)
ASC (Anti Static Coatings)
ASD (Auto Stereoscopic Display)
AGC (Anti Glare Coatings)
AG (Aperture Grills)
ARC (Anti Reflect Coating)
BLA:Bearn Landing Area
BMC (Black Matrix Screen, Ultra Black Matrix Screen)
CCS (Cross Capacitance Sensing)
Cd/m^2(candela/square meter, unit of brightness)
CDRS (Curved Directional Reflection Screen)
CG-Silicon (Continuous Grain Silicon, Continuous Particle Silicon)
CNT (carbon nano-tube)
CRC (Cyclical Redundancy Check)
CRT (Cathode Ray Tube, Cathode Ray Tube)
CVS (Compute Visual Syndrome, Computer Vision Syndrome)
DA (Digital to Analog, Digital to Analog Conversion)
DDC (Display Data Channel, Display Data Channel)
DDWG (Digital Display Working Group, Digital Display Working Group)
DEC (Direct Etching Coatings)
Deflection Coil (deflection coil)
DFL (Dynamic Focus Lens, Dynamic Focus)
DFP (Digital Flat Panel, Digital Flat Panel Display Standard)
DFPG (Digital Flat Panel Group, Digital Flat Panel Working Group)
DFS (Digital Flex Scan)
DIC: Digital Image Control
Digital Multiscan II (Digital Intelligent Multi-frequency Tracking)
DLP (Digital Light Processing)
DOSD: Digital On Screen Display (Digital Display on the Same Screen)
DPMS (Display Power Management Signalling, showing energy management signals)
Dot Pitch (dot pitch)
DQL (Dynamic Quadrapole Lens, dynamic quadrupole)
DSP (Digital Signal Processing, Digital Signal Processing)
DSTN (Double layers Super Twisted Nematic, double layer super twisted nematic, passive matrix LCD)
DTV (Digital TV, Digital TV)
DVI (Digital Visual Interface, Digital Visual Interface)
ECD (ElectroChromic Display, electrochromic display)
EFEAL (Extended Field Elliptical Aperture Lens)
FED (Field Emission Displays)
Flyback Transformer
FPD (flat panel display, flat panel display)
FRC: Frame Rate Control
GLV (grating-light-valve)
HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface)
HDTV (high definition television, HDTV)
HVD (High Voltage Differential)
IFT (Infinite FlatTube, infinite flat tube, Samsung Dana)
INVAR (non-expanding copper)
IPS (in-plane switching)
LCD (liquid crystal display, liquid crystal display)
LCOS: Liquid Crystal On Silicon
LED (light emitting diode, optical diode)
L-SAGIC (Low Power-Small Aperture G1 wiht Impregnated Cathode, Low Voltage Aperture Cathode)
LTPS (Low-Temperature Poly-Si, low-temperature polysilicon)
LVD (Low Voltage Differential)
Low Voltage Differential Signal (LVDS)
LRTC (LCD Response Time Compensation)
LTPS (Low Temperature Polysilicon)
MALS (Multi Astigmatism Lens System, Multiple Astigmatism Focus System)
MDA (Monochrome Adapter, monochrome device)
Monochrome Monitor (Monochrome Monitor)
MS: Magnetic Sensors
MVA (multi-domain vertical alignment, wide-area vertical liquid crystal alignment)
OEL (organic electro-luminescent, organic electroluminescence)
OLED (Organic light-emitting diode)
OSD (On Screen Display, same screen display)
PAC (psycho-acoustic compensation, psychoacoustic compensation)
P&D (Plug and Display, Plug and Display)
PDP (Plasma Display Panel, Plasma Display)
Porous Tungsten (active tungsten)
PPI (Pixel Per Inch, pixels/inch)
RGB (Red, Blue, Green, Red, Blue, and Green)
ROP (raster operations, raster operations)
RSDS: Reduced Swing Differential Signal
SC (Screen Coatings, Screen Coatings)
Single Ended
Shadow Mask
SXGA (Super eXtended Graphics Array, super extended graphics array)
STN (Super Twisted Nematic, super twisted nematic, passive matrix)
TCO (The Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees, Swedish Federation of Professional Staff)
TBGA (Tie Ball Grid Array, Ribbon Ball Grid Array)
TCP: Tape Carrier Package, Thermal TDP (Thermal Design Power)
Throughput (throughput)
TLB (Translate Look side Buffers)
TLP (Thread-Level Parallelism)
TMP (Threaded Multi-Path, Thread Multi-Path)
TPI (True Performance Initiative/index, Real Performance First/Indicator)
Thin Plastic Quad Flat Pack (TQFP)
Trc (Row Cycle Time, column cycle time)
TrD (Transistor Density, Transistor Density)
TSOP (Thin Small Outline Plastic)
USWC (Uncacheabled Speculative Write Combination)
VALU (Vector Arithmetic Logic Unit, Vector Arithmetic Logic Unit)
VFSD (Vertex Frequency Stream Divider)
VID (VID: Voltage identify, voltage identification number)
VLIW (Very Long Instruction Word, very long instruction word)
VPU (Vector Permutate Unit)
VPU (vector processing units, places where SIMD instructions such as MMX and SSE are handled)
VSA (Virtual System Architecture, Virtual System Architecture)
VTF (VIA Technical Forum, VIA Technology Forum)
XBar (Crossbar, intersection logic unit)
XP (experience)
XP (Extra performance, additional performance)
XP (eXtreme Performance, Extreme Performance)
Heatsink TFT (Tiny Fin Technology, Micro Fin Technology)
2, motherboard 3GIO (Third Generation Input/Output, the third generation of input and output technology)
ACR (Advanced Communications Riser, Advanced Communications Upgrade Card)
ADIMM (advanced Dual In-line Memory Modules, Advanced Dual Inline Memory Modules)
AGTL+ (Assisted Gunning Transceiver Logic, Aid Transmit Receiver Logic)
AIMM (AGP Inline Memory Module, AGP Onboard Memory Module)
AMR (Audio/Modem Riser; additional upright card for audio/modem motherboards)
AHA (Accelerated Hub Architecture, Accelerated Hub Architecture)
AOI (Automatic Optical Inspection)
APU (Audio Processing Unit)
ARF (Asynchronous Receive FIFO, Asynchronous Receive First In, First Out)
ASF (Alert Standards Forum, discussion of warning standards)
ASK IR (Amplitude Shift Keyed Infra-Red)
AT (Advanced Technology, Advanced Technology)
ATX (AT Extend, Extended AT)
BIOS (Basic Input/Output System, Basic Input/Output System)
CNR (Communication and Networking Riser, Communication and Network Upgrade Card)
CSA (Communication Streaming Architecture, Communication Flow Architecture)
CSE (Configuration Space Enable, assignable space)
COAST (Cache-on-a-stick, stripe cache)
DASP (Dynamic Adaptive Speculative Pre-Processor)
DB: Device Bay, DMI (Desktop Management Interface)
DOT (Dynamic Overclocking Technology, dynamic overclocking technology)
DPP (direct print protocol, Direct Rambus clock generator, direct RAM bus clock generator)
DVMT (Dynamic Video Memory Technology, Dynamic Video Memory Technology)
E (Economy, Economy, or Entry-level, entry level)
EB (Expansion Bus, Expansion Bus)
EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface)
EHCI (Enhanced Host Controller Interface)
EISA (Enhanced Industry Standard Architecture)
EMI (Electromagnetic Interference, electromagnetic interference)
ESCD (Extended System Configuration Data)
ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance, equivalent series resistance)
FBC (Frame Buffer Cache)
FireWire (FireWire, IEEE1394 Standard)
FlexATX (Flexibility ATX, Extensibility ATX)
FSB (Front Side Bus, FSB)
FWH (Firmware Hub, Firmware Center)
GB (Garibaldi architecture, Garibaldi is based on ATX architecture, but can also use WTX architecture chassis)
GMCH (Graphics & Memory Controller Hub, Graphic and Memory Control Center)
GPA (Graphics Performance Accelerator, Graphics Performance Accelerator)
GPIs (General Purpose Inputs, normal operation input)
GTL+ (Gunning Transceiver Logic, Transmit Receiver Logic)
HDIT (High Bandwidth Differential Interconnect Technology)
HSLB (High Speed ​​Link Bus)
HT (HyperTransport, HyperTransport)
I2C (Inter-IC)
I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit)
IBASES (Intel Baseline AGP System Evaluation Suite, Intel Baseline AGP System Evaluation Suite)
IC (integrated circuit)
ICH (Input/Output Controller Hub, Input/Output Control Center)
ICH-S (ICH-Hance Rapids, ICH High Speed)
ICP (Integrated Communications Processor, integrated communications processor)
IHA (Intel Hub Architecture, Intel Hub Architecture)
IMB (Inter Module Bus, Hidden Module Bus)
INTIN (Interrupt Inputs, interrupt input)
IPMAT (Intel Power Management Analysis Tool, Intel Energy Management Analysis Tool)
IR (infrared ray, infrared)
IrDA (infrared ray, infrared communication interface for LAN access and file sharing)
ISA (Industry Standard Architecture, Industrial Standard Architecture)
ISA (instruction set architecture, industrial setting architecture)
K8HTB (K8 HyperTransport Bridge, K8 Lightning Transfer Bridge)
LSI (Large Scale Integration)
LPC (Low Pin Count, Low Pin Count Interface)
MAC (Media Access Controller, Media Storage Controller)
MBA (manage boot agent)
MC (Memory Controller)
MCA (Micro Channel Architecture, Micro Channel Architecture)
MCH (Memory Controller Hub, Memory Control Center)
MDC (Mobile Daughter Card)
MII (Media Independent Interface, Media Independent Interface)
MIO (Media I/O, Media Input/Output Unit)
MOSFET (metallic oxide semiconductor field effect transistor, metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor)
MRH-R (Memory Repeater Hub, Memory Data Processing Center)
MRH-S (SDRAM Repeater Hub, SDRAM Data Processing Center)
MRIMM (Media-RIMM, Media RIMM Expansion Slot)
MSI (Message Signaled Interrupt, Message Signal Interrupt)
MSPCE (Multiple Streams with Pipelining and Concurrent Execution, Pipelined and Concurrent Execution of Multiple Data Streams)
MT=MegaTransfers (mega transfer rate)
MTH (Memory Transfer Hub)
MuTIOL (Multi-Threaded I/O link, multi-threaded I/O link)
NGIO (Next Generation Input/Output, Next Generation Input/Output Standard)
NPPA (nForce Platform Processor Architecture, nForce Platform Processing Architecture)
OHCI (Open Host Controller Interface, Open Host Controller Interface)
ORB (operation request block, operation request block)
ORS (Over Reflow Soldering, Soldering of SMT Components)
P64H (64-bit PCI Controller Hub, 64-bit PCI Control Center)
PCB (printed circuit board, printed circuit board)
PCBA (Printed Circuit Board Assembly, printed circuit board assembly)
PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect)
PCI SIG (Peripheral Component Interconnect Special Interest Group)
PDD (Performance Driven Design, Performance Driven Design)
PHY (Port Physical Layer)
POST (Power On Self Test, Power On Self Test)
PS/2 (Personal System 2, second generation personal system)
PTH (Plated-Through-Hole technology)
RE (Read Enable, Readable)
QP (Quad-Pumped, quadruple pump)
RBB (Rapid BIOS Boot, Fast BIOS Boot)
RNG (Random number Generator, Random Number Generator)
RTC (Real Time Clock)
KBC (KeyBroad Control, Keyboard Controller)
SAP (Sideband Address Port)
SBA (Side Band Addressing)
SBC (single board computer)
SBP-2 (serial bus protocol 2, second generation Serial Bus Association)
SCI (Serial Communications Interface, Serial Communication Interface)
SCK (CMOS clock, CMOS clock)
SDU (segment data unit)
SFF (Small Form Factor, Small Size Architecture)
SFS (Stepless Frequency Selection)
SMA (Share Memory Architecture)
SMT (Surface Mounted Technology, Surface Mount Package)
SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface, Serial Peripheral Interface)
SSLL (Single Stream with Low Latency, low-latency, separate streaming)
STD (Suspend To Disk, Wake On Disk)
STR (Suspend To RAM, memory wake)
SVR (Switching Voltage Regulator)
THT (Through Hole Technology, plug-in packaging technology)
UCHI (Universal Host Controller Interface, Universal Host Controller Interface)
UPA (Universal Platform Architecture, Unified Platform Architecture)
UPDG (Universal Platform Design Guide, Unified Platform Design Guide)
USART (Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter)
USB (Universal Serial Bus, Universal Serial Bus)
USDM (Unified System Diagnostic Manager)
VID (Voltage Identification Definition)
VLB (Video Electronics Standards Association Local Bus, Video Electronics Standards Association Local Bus)
VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration, VLSI)
VMAP (VIA Modular Architecture Platforms, VIA Module Architecture Platform)
VSB (V Standby, Standby Voltage)
VXB (Virtual Extended Bus, Virtual Extension Bus)
VRM (Voltage Regulator Module)
WE (Write Enalbe, writable)
WS (Wave Soldering, soldering of THT components)
XT (Extended Technology, Expansion Technology)
ZIF (Zero Insertion Force, zero insertion force socket)
Chipset ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface, Advanced Settings and Power Management)
AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port)
BMS (Blue Magic Slot, Blue Magic Slot)
I/O (Input/Output, Input/Output)
MIOC: Memory and I/O Bridge Controller, Memory and I/O Bridge Controller NBC: North Bridge Chip (North Bridge Chip)
PIIX: PCI ISA/IDE Accelerator
PSE36: Page Size Extension 36-bit, 36-bit page size expansion mode PXB: PCI Expander Bridge, PCI Enhanced Bridge RCG: RAS/CAS Generator, RAS/CAS Generator SBC: South Bridge Chip (South Bridge Chip)
SMB (System Management Bus, System-wide Management Bus)
SPD (Serial Presence Detect, continuous presence detector)
SSB: Super South Bridge, Super South Bridge TDP: Triton Data Path (Data Path)
TSC: Triton System Controller (System Controller)
QPA: Quad Port Acceleration
Motherboard technology Gigabyte
ACOPS: Automatic CPU OverHeat Prevention System
SIV: System Information Viewer
ESDJ (Easy Setting Dual Jumper, simplified CPU double jumper method)
Shuttle UPT (USB, PANEL, LINK, TV-OUT Quad Interface)
Asus C. O. P (CPU overheating protection, processor overheat protection)
3, display device AD ​​(Analog to Digitalg, analog to digital conversion)
ADC (Apple Display Connector, Apple Display Interface)
ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit)
ASC (Auto-Sizing and Centering, Automatically Adjust Screen Size and Center Position)
ASC (Anti Static Coatings)
ASD (Auto Stereoscopic Display)
AGC (Anti Glare Coatings)
AG (Aperture Grills)
ARC (Anti Reflect Coating)
BLA:Bearn Landing Area
BMC (Black Matrix Screen, Ultra Black Matrix Screen)
CCS (Cross Capacitance Sensing)
Cd/m^2(candela/square meter, unit of brightness)
CDRS (Curved Directional Reflection Screen)
CG-Silicon (Continuous Grain Silicon, Continuous Particle Silicon)
CNT (carbon nano-tube)
CRC (Cyclical Redundancy Check)
CRT (Cathode Ray Tube, Cathode Ray Tube)
CVS (Compute Visual Syndrome, Computer Vision Syndrome)
DA (Digital to Analog, Digital to Analog Conversion)
DDC (Display Data Channel, Display Data Channel)
DDWG (Digital Display Working Group, Digital Display Working Group)
DEC (Direct Etching Coatings)
Deflection Coil (deflection coil)
DFL (Dynamic Focus Lens, Dynamic Focus)
DFP (Digital Flat Panel, Digital Flat Panel Display Standard)
DFPG (Digital Flat Panel Group, Digital Flat Panel Working Group)
DFS (Digital Flex Scan)
DIC: Digital Image Control
Digital Multiscan II (Digital Intelligent Multi-frequency Tracking)
DLP (Digital Light Processing)
DOSD: Digital On Screen Display (Digital Display on the Same Screen)
DPMS (Display Power Management Signalling, showing energy management signals)
Dot Pitch (dot pitch)
DQL (Dynamic Quadrapole Lens, dynamic quadrupole)
DSP (Digital Signal Processing, Digital Signal Processing)
DSTN (Double layers Super Twisted Nematic, double layer super twisted nematic, passive matrix LCD)
DTV (Digital TV, Digital TV)
DVI (Digital Visual Interface, Digital Visual Interface)
ECD (ElectroChromic Display, electrochromic display)
EFEAL (Extended Field Elliptical Aperture Lens)
FED (Field Emission Displays)
Flyback Transformer
FPD (flat panel display, flat panel display)
FRC: Frame Rate Control
GLV (grating-light-valve)
HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface)
HDTV (high definition television, HDTV)
HVD (High Voltage Differential)
IFT (Infinite FlatTube, infinite flat tube, Samsung Dana)
INVAR (non-expanding copper)
IPS (in-plane switching)
LCD (liquid crystal display, liquid crystal display)
LCOS: Liquid Crystal On Silicon
LED (light emitting diode, optical diode)
L-SAGIC (Low Power-Small Aperture G1 wiht Impregnated Cathode, Low Voltage Aperture Cathode)
LTPS (Low-Temperature Poly-Si, low-temperature polysilicon)
LVD (Low Voltage Differential)
Low Voltage Differential Signal (LVDS)
LRTC (LCD Response Time Compensation)
LTPS (Low Temperature Polysilicon)
MALS (Multi Astigmatism Lens System, Multiple Astigmatism Focus System)
MDA (Monochrome Adapter, monochrome device)
Monochrome Monitor (Monochrome Monitor)
MS: Magnetic Sensors
MVA (multi-domain vertical alignment, wide-area vertical liquid crystal alignment)
OEL (organic electro-luminescent, organic electroluminescence)
OLED (Organic light-emitting diode)
OSD (On Screen Display, same screen display)
PAC (psycho-acoustic compensation, psychoacoustic compensation)
P&D (Plug and Display, Plug and Display)
PDP (Plasma Display Panel, Plasma Display)
Porous Tungsten (active tungsten)
PPI (Pixel Per Inch, pixels/inch)
RGB (Red, Blue, Green, Red, Blue, and Green)
ROP (raster operations, raster operations)
RSDS: Reduced Swing Differential Signal
SC (Screen Coatings, Screen Coatings)
Single Ended
Shadow Mask
SXGA (Super eXtended Graphics Array, super extended graphics array)
STN (Super Twisted Nematic, super twisted nematic, passive matrix)
TCO (The Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees, Swedish Federation of Professional Staff)
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