Analyze outdoor LED display switching power supply design concept

The research of led display adopts 8×8 dot matrix display, focusing on dynamic processing method. Due to the limitation of display screen, only English and numbers can be displayed in this research design. A basic led screen consists of 8 rows of 8 rows and 8 columns of points, and the display has two connections: common and common. For a led display consisting of an 8×8 dot matrix, the general data terminal is connected to the 8-bit parallel data port of the microprocessor, and the strobe terminal is enabled one by one (strobe) to select a column to be lit. Dynamic display effect is achieved by time division multiplexing. There are two general strobe modes: independent strobe and decode strobe.

If the screen is small and the processor has enough I/O ports available, you can connect one strobe to each I/O port. If the screen is large, or the processor's I/O port is not very rich, you can pass The decoding method is used to strobe. For example, when 8 LEDs of 8×8 dot matrix form a 8×128 dot matrix led screen, the direct strobe mode requires 64 I/O ports, and the decoding strobe mode requires only 6 I/O ports.

software design:

The characters displayed on the 8×8 dot matrix led screen need to be converted into actual display data by means of modulo. This process can be realized by Pcto LCD 2002 software, which is an LCD font generation software, which is also suitable for the point. The array of large screens is used to generate fonts. The size of the English characters generated here is 8×8 dot matrix, and the mode of setting is set to cathode (lighting bit is 1), column by column and forward direction (high position first).

Hardware circuit:

In the LED display system, an 8×8 display is used, so 8 strobe I/O ports are used, and the strobe mode adopts an independent strobe mode. The signal is supplied to the strobe through the I/O port of the software Atmega16. The Atmega16 does not need to be attached to its driver line, and the software atmega16 has direct drive capability.

By studying the display system of the led display screen, focusing on the display dynamics of the LED large screen, two timers are used to control the brightness of the display screen and the dynamic shift speed of the displayed characters. The schematic diagram of the led large-screen display system is designed under DXP 2004. The displayed characters can be taken by Pcto LCD 2002 software. In the design of the system, according to the actual LED screen type and circuit connection settings, the appropriate cathode is selected. Modular mode. The use of led switching power supply, applicable laws and regulations and standards, laid the foundation for evaluating and reviewing the design safety of new development products, scientifically and effectively monitoring product quality; actively responding to technical trade barriers, helping enterprises to improve quality management and quality control capabilities And the ability to deal with the broken wall has great guiding significance.

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Eight Blades Ceiling Fan

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