US CNS News Network November 10 article, when the Berlin Wall collapsed, no one cares about the Chinese people's ideas. At that time, Beijing was insignificant in international foreign affairs. Today, the world is very different. China's current economy and military spending are second only to the United States, and it has become a dominant trading power. In East Asia, it is far superior to the United States. Beijing also gained influence in Africa and Latin America through aid, investment and trade.
Today, the views of the Chinese are really important. What Chinese people? Certainly include their leaders, but the people are also very important. Beijing's policies often do not directly reflect the opinions of the Chinese public, but the CCP is quite sensitive to public opinion. In view of this, US policy makers should also pay attention to the views of the Chinese people.
The latest Pew survey explores the views of today's Chinese. A small number of people support the import of foreign products. 3/4 believes that in the face of external influences, China's way of life should be protected - this figure is higher than 64% in 2002. 72% of Chinese under the age of 34 share the same view, which is somewhat surprising. The Chinese have a complicated attitude toward the United States, half of them have a good impression on the United States, and 44% are disgusted. 60% of Chinese under the age of 34 have a positive view of the United States. Nearly half believe that US influence and power are the number one threat China faces. 59% fear that the territorial dispute in East Asia will lead to military conflict...
These numbers can bring limited but useful lessons to Washington. Compared with older people, Chinese young people are more positive about the United States. Washington should encourage this intergenerational shift and be especially careful when dealing with issues that could damage the US's reputation. The United States should make it easier for Chinese people to study in the United States. Although studying at Mei Nian University does not mean that you will be friends in the future, these Chinese people usually recognize the United States more. Washington should also clearly express its acceptance of China’s greater participation in the international order and be particularly cautious in showing off its military power against China. On the South China Sea issue, we should advocate international negotiations and avoid confrontation - the vast majority of Chinese support this claim. In addition, Washington should focus on international principles rather than its bilateral alliances (especially with the Tokyo alliance). In China, many people hate the US-Japan alliance.
Compared with the arrogance, the overall polite and cooperative US-China relationship has much greater benefits for both countries and the world. Beijing’s policy ultimately – albeit indirectly – depends on domestic public opinion. Another big game is close at hand, and it must be long-term. Washington must consider the Chinese people when designing its China policy.
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