European version original

What is the parallel (European version of the original) mobile phone?

"Parallel imports" is believed to be a sensitive word in the eyes of netizens. What is "parallel imports"? Parallel imports are not fakes. There are many users who do not know what a parallel (European version of the original) mobile phone, according to the default definition, parallel mobile phone refers to foreign, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions have not gone through the normal customs channels to enter the mainland market mobile phone. There is also a name for parallel imports, the European version of the original, the so-called parallel (European version of the original) mobile phone is actually should be sold to other countries or regions of the machine, after escaping the tariff into the domestic market for mobile phones. Simply put, a parallel mobile phone is a mobile phone that does not have customs declaration and tax payment through normal channels. So the quality of parallel mobile phones is the same as licensed, and there is no difference between the two hardware. The original genuine products produced by the original manufacturers are only different in sales areas and software, and some models are even better than domestic ones because they are sold in different countries. , coupled with a huge difference in sales price, many people like to choose parallel (European version of the original) mobile phone.

Parallel (European version of the original) is English or Chinese?

Parallel imports (European version of the original) mobile phone software will be upgraded to Simplified Chinese version, and domestic mainstream are the same as Simplified Chinese.

Parallel (European Edition Original) Warranty:

What about the warranty? In fact, parallel goods and licensed goods have a one-year warranty, but the parallel imports are guaranteed in foreign countries. Of course, no one will take them back for foreign repairs. Therefore, the merchants of Shuijia are not showing any warranty, and parallel imports are not guaranteed.

Dimmable LED Flood Light

Dimmable UFO Flood Light can be adjusted the brightness of the light, including 0-10v dimmable,Dali dimmable, Triac dimmable and Zigbee dimmable.

0-10V Dimmable:

Used as an early fluorescent dimming system and still used today, 0-10V dimming has been adapted to become a reliable LED dimming control protocol.0-10 V is one of the earliest and simplest electronic lighting control signaling systems; simply put, the control signal is a DC voltage that varies between zero and ten volts. The controlled lighting should scale its output so that at 10 V, the controlled light should be at 100% of its potential output, and at 0 V it should at the lowest possible dimming level.

0-10v dimmable

Dali dimmable: 

A basic system could consist of a few light fittings and a switch connected to a DALI group controller. The switch provides on/off control and up/down dimming of the fittings. Minimal configuration is required and ballasts do not need to be individually addressed.A grouped system consists of multiple ballasts individually addressed on a DALI Line Inputs on a Line Controller or a group controller can be configured to provide switching and dimming as required.

dali dimmable

SCR Dimmable:

A SCR is a four-layer solid state device that controls current. In the normal [off" state, SCR restricts current to the leakage current. When the gate-to-cathode voltage exceeds a certain threshold, SCR turns [on" and conducts current. A SCR will remain in the [on" state even after gate current is removed so long as current through the device remains above the holding current. Once current falls below the holding current for an appropriate period of time, the device will switch [off". If the gate is pulsed and the current through SCR is below the holding current, SCR will remain in the [off" state.To achieve the dimming effect using SCR dimming technique, first, a RC phase shift is used to delay triggering the gate-to-cathode voltage. There will be a phase-cutting and the Root Mean Squared Voltage VRMS is modified. The symmetric characteristic of DIAC (DIode for Alternating Current) can be used to trigger TRIAC (TRIode for Alternating Current) symmetrically. Then, the dimming effect can be achieved by varying the R1 value that changes the phase angle for conduction.

led wall pack lights


Zigbee is a kind of brand-new, focus on low power consumption, low cost, low complexity and low rate of short-range wireless communication technology.Is also a big focus in the embedded application.


Dimmable LED Flood Light

0-10V Dimmable LED Flood Light,Dali Dimmable LED Flood Light,Scr Dimmable LED Flood Light

Shenzhen Hygea Technology Co.,Ltd. ,